In short, a content writer produces written materials that demonstrate to your audience that you know your business. It may seem like stating the obvious, but if you want to do business, you need to give prospects reasons why they should choose you over the competition. Traditionally, you might achieve this by laying out your market stall with delicious and fresh-looking produce, and making passers by an offer they can’t resist. Or if you had a shop, an extravagant window display will get the punters popping in for a closer look. In the online world, the same principles apply but the methods of getting people to notice you are different.
Well-written, relevant content is a vital element in generating interest in your offering. It is part of your content marketing strategy and shows that you are an expert in your field. Furthermore, it as your exquisitely-dressed shop window that cannot be ignored.
Just to be clear on what content is, if you have a website that describes your business, you have content. If you have a blog, you have content. If you post to social media, you are producing content. And if it’s good, if it’s entertaining and if it’s relevant, people will come to you, and come back again and again.
Of course, if you’re a small business, and writing isn’t your area of expertise, how are you going to use content to attract an audience?
Writer for hire!
A content writer could be just the person you need to help you up your game in the world of online marketing. Content writers create web content. They can produce long-form content such as blog articles, white papers, and case studies, as well as scripts for promotional videos. A content writer can also create shorter items for your blog and social media platforms. Moreover, if you want a long-term content strategy, your content writer can devise and deliver this, offering a vital component to your marketing efforts. In fact, according to a report by Social Media Examiner, 58% of marketers said original written content is the most important type of content, outdoing visuals and videos.
Let’s be clear, nobody knows your business like you do. When it comes to delivering your service, product, or whatever, you’re the bee’s knees. And if you have the ability to put into words why you’re the best and how customers will benefit from using you, then you are one truly special individual. In saying that, you are probably incredibly busy and therefore short of time to keep on top of your blog and your social media accounts. So, the chances are that even you could benefit from the services of a content writer for a few hours a week.
But what benefits could hiring a content writer bring you?
Well, for a start, it could help you generate leads. According to Demand Metric, content marketing costs 62% less than outbound marketing and generates three times as many leads. In short, you get more bang for your buck.
Raise brand awareness
A content writer also helps you create brand awareness. Simply promoting your wares can get boring. Some people just don’t like the feeling that they’re being sold to all the time. Your content writer will produce articles, white papers and so on that demonstrate your knowledge and expertise. Using your website and social media accounts, the writer will promote the content and increase web traffic. This is a great way of getting your audience on your side so that when they are ready to buy, your name will be the first one they think of.
Improve SEO ranking
Whilst you want your audience to love you, your content writer can get search engines to love you too. The writer achieves this by improving your SEO ranking. The more content you produce, and the more relevant keywords appear in your content, the better for your ranking.
Since we’re talking about search engine rankings, it’s worth mentioning that when you publish good content, others are likely to link to it. When they do, search engines give you a hug and send you a little higher up the list.
Increase loyalty and retention
Once you’ve got customers, you’re going to want to hang on to them, and your content writer can help you with this. By creating more personalised content, such as information about upgrades and new developments, your writer can build the relationship between you and your customer. Your customer will stay engaged, and open to new purchasing opportunities.
If content isn’t a key element of your marketing strategy, there is likely to be a rich and untapped seam of opportunity just waiting to be discovered. A good content writer will increase your brand awareness, improve your SEO, generate sales, and improve customer retention.
About Bruce Barbour Communications Management
Based in Ipswich, Suffolk, Bruce Barbour offers a range of marketing communications services. These include content writing, copywriting, search engine optimisation, web design and creation, social media management, and public relations. In addition, we offer expertise in event management, and technical documentation.